I've decided to try and update this blog once a week, rather than just spasmodically when I remember to. I do really want this to sort of be a 'thing' and it feels really good for me to have somewhere to be self indulgent about my anosmia. People are choosing to read this, rather than forcibly being polite as I try to talk to them about it. I know some people have signed up for email updates of when I post a new blog, but this doesn't seem to be working. I don't know why. But from now on, I'm going to write a new post every Friday!
So, on with the self indulgence!
I'm going to start this entry off on an extreme positive note: I finally got my referral to Spire Hospital!
So, on with the self indulgence!
I'm going to start this entry off on an extreme positive note: I finally got my referral to Spire Hospital!
This has made me ridiculously happy. This means that I'm (hopefully) going to get to see the only doctor in the country that can restore me sense of smell. I know it's silly to get this emotional I don't even have an appointment, but it's a start. It's a start of finding out a cause and the possibility of treatment. I almost danced the corridor of the medical centre. The doctor said that it would take another couple of weeks before I hear about an appointment from Spire, but I don't even care. Now I just have to wait to here from Spire Hospital, which will hopefully be them telling me when my appointment is. I really needed this boost this week. I had a bit of a drunken melt down at the beginning of the week, where I decided that because I was anosmic I was going to live a rubbish life, never get married, never have children and die alone surrounded by cats that would probably die when I forgot to feed them and I wouldn't notice as I wouldn't be able to smell their decaying corpses.
On another note, it's been ridiculously snowy in Norwich at the moment. On the day that it first started snowing, someone said to me "It smells like snow". I find that really weird. I can understand that food and people and things that are designed to smell can have a distinctive smell, or that the scent of something can be associated with a particular weather (for example suntan lotion), but does snow actually smell?! I'd greatly appreciate it if someone got back to me on this.
I've been much better at eating properly this week as well, as we've eaten a lot of meals together as a house, at proper times at a proper table. This means that I'm not just snacking when I feel hungry, but I'm actually giving my body what it needs before it has to tell me, which is much healthier!
All in all, this hasn't been a bad week for anosmia. Lots of people have colds at the moment and I know it makes me a terrible person, but I can't help but be a little gleeful that they're getting a vague experience of how awful it is to not be able to smell or taste properly... Please still be my friend?
On another note, it's been ridiculously snowy in Norwich at the moment. On the day that it first started snowing, someone said to me "It smells like snow". I find that really weird. I can understand that food and people and things that are designed to smell can have a distinctive smell, or that the scent of something can be associated with a particular weather (for example suntan lotion), but does snow actually smell?! I'd greatly appreciate it if someone got back to me on this.
I've been much better at eating properly this week as well, as we've eaten a lot of meals together as a house, at proper times at a proper table. This means that I'm not just snacking when I feel hungry, but I'm actually giving my body what it needs before it has to tell me, which is much healthier!
All in all, this hasn't been a bad week for anosmia. Lots of people have colds at the moment and I know it makes me a terrible person, but I can't help but be a little gleeful that they're getting a vague experience of how awful it is to not be able to smell or taste properly... Please still be my friend?
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